Saturday 4 July 2020

Inventory Management 101 – ABC Inventory Cycle Count Method

5 July 2020
Inventory Management 101 – ABC Inventory Cycle Count Method

Cycle Count is a periodic inventory audit practice.  Inventory are counted or may be physically checked on a continuous schedule.  The portion and frequency are predefined to ensure counting of each item is at least once in a fiscal year cycle

To implement a cycle count plan, inventory is usually defines and classes to A, B and C item

Item A are usually schedule to be count at least once a month.  The characteristics:
·       These items are subjected to a strict inventory control and is usually stored at a secured area in terms of storage
·       These items are holding high inventory cost or high demand for sales

Item B are usually schedule to be count at least once every two months. The characteristics are
·       These items have less inventory cost than Item A
·       These items have a less strict control than Item A

Item C are usually schedule to be count at every three months or longer. The characteristics are
·       These items are usually lower inventory cost than Item B
·       These items have high usage rate with high Reorder Point value and frequencies
·       These items are usually with bulk purchases mechanism

Table 1 illustrates how to define ABC and Cycle Count Frequencies via an Excel Spreadsheet.

Table 1 illustrated the formula
1.    Total Cost is Total of each inventory item (=D2*E2)
2.    ABC% (Total Usage) , is the item usage divide by Total Monthly Run Rate (=G2/$G$11
3.    ABC Classification, to classify the ABC base on inventory unit cost.  
If Inventory Cost more than $1000, is item A, if inventory Cost more than $100, is Item B, if Inventory Cost less than $100, is Item C
4.    =IFS(D2>=1000, "A", D2>100,"B",H2<100,"C")
5.    Count Period if each item. Item A is every month, Item B is every two months, Item C is very three months.
=IFS(I2="A", "every month", I2="B","every two months",I2="C","every three months"

About the Author
Grace is a freelancer for Supply Chain Management specialized in helping companies reducing operation costs and increase profits through optimized Supply Chain, Sourcing and Procurement Operation.

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