Sunday 4 November 2018

Return of Ethics and Values - The Mid Term Review, Eleventh Malaysia Plan

Return of Ethics and Values
Commitment to the highest ethical and moral standards
Malaysia has its real leaders, who understand that the rule of Ethics and Values is the greatest gift available to any nation and from this alone comes happiness and prosperity for the people

One of the Six Pillars from Mid-Term Review, Eleventh Malaysia Plan
Pillar I: Reforming Governance towards Greater Transparency and Enhancing Efficiency of Public Service
One of the main focus areas of the MTR is to improve governance as well as uphold accountability and transparency in the Government administration. Bold and effective measures will be implemented to drive the reform agenda towards strengthening check and balance mechanism at all levels to regain trust and confidence of the rakyat. In this regard, initiatives pertaining to four priority areas, namely improving governance at all levels, elevating integrity and accountability, enforcing prudent public finance management and enhancing public service delivery will be undertaken.

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